Unstable is a Netflix Original American drama that premiered on March 30, 2023. It stars Rob Lowe and his son, John Owen Lowe, who also serve as executive producers on the series. The series revolves around Jackson, an introverted man played by John Owen Lowe. He begins working at a high-tech bio-research company called Dragon under his successful but narcissistic father, Ellis Dragon. After the death of Mr. Ellis’ wife, he succumbed to mental illness, which is likely to jeopardize his business. Therefore, Jackson tries to save him and the company.
What is the plot of “Unstable”?
This eight-episode series revolves around Ellis Dragon, the CEO and founder of a biotech company called Dragon. He has mental problems after the death of his wife. His CFO began to worry about the business and asked his estranged son Jackson for help. However, Jackson resents his father’s pressure on him to be like him instead of following his ambitions. The entire series has many exciting developments throughout its eight episodes, and will reportedly be returning for season 2 on Netflix. This update was first reported in his May 2023. However, due to the WGA strike, many were nervous about it. Now that the strike is over, many shows and series, like Unstable, have begun production.
unstable 2 cast members
It has been confirmed that the main protagonists from the first season will reprise their roles, and some new cast members will be added to the second season. Cast members are Rob Lowe, John Owen Lowe, Sian Clifford, Aaron Branch, Rachel Marsh, and Emma Ferreira. Iris Apatow and Lamorne Morris will also appear in recurring roles.
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Unstable 2 release date
According to a video posted by John Owen Lowe on Instagram, the show began filming in November 2023 and wrapped on January 28, 2024. The show has finished filming and is expected to return to Netflix by mid or late 2024. However, there is no official confirmation regarding the release period at this time.
unstable 2 trailer
As mentioned earlier in this article, the series just finished filming season 2 on January 28, 2024. Therefore, the trailer for season 2 has not been released yet. However, it is expected to be released soon, so fans are advised to stay tuned for further official updates.