A newly discovered predatory crustacean with raptor-like pincers and fang-like forelimbs appears to be quite adept at living in the ocean’s extreme environments. An international team of scientists has discovered for the first time a large, aggressive predatory amphipod hiding deep in the hadal zone, one of the harshest environments on Earth. dursibela kamanchaka is detailed in Research recently published in journals Systematics and biodiversity.
of hadal zone It is named after Hades, the Greek god of the underworld. 5.7 to 11.8 miles below sea level. This zone only occurs in oceanic trenches, and all hadal zones on Earth combined: About the size of Australia. Other than bioluminescence, which some animals use to communicate, the hadal zone is completely dark, with temperatures just above freezing and intense pressure deep within. Every species discovered there adds significant knowledge about how life on Earth has evolved and how some organisms are able to thrive in such extreme environments. You can.
This new species is amphipod– A type of shrimp-like crustacean found in both freshwater and saltwater environments around the world. It was discovered in the Atacama Trench off the coast of South America by scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts and the Instituto Milenio de Oceanografia (IMO), based at the University of Concepción in Chile.
“dursibela kamanchaka “It’s a fast-swimming predator, named after the word ‘darkness’ in the language of the Andean people, meaning the deep, dark ocean where the predator lived,” said study co-author and WHOI hazard ecologist. Johanna Weston said. stated in a statement.
it is Approximately 1.5 inches long They use special front legs to capture prey. It feeds on small amphipods found in the food-restricted area of the Atacama Trench off the coasts of Peru and Chile. This trench extends along the eastern South Pacific. Off the coast of northern Chile, they can reach deep waters. over 26,000 feet And it has long fascinated scientists.
Although the Atacama Trench is cold, deep, and dark, it lies beneath extremely nutrient-rich surface water, allowing some life to thrive. Because this trench is far removed from other hazardous environments, it is home to a very distinctive community of native species not found in other parts of the world.
“Most interestingly, the DNA and morphological data indicate that this species is also a new genus, highlighting the Atacama Trench as a unique hotspot,” Weston said.
in 2023 Integrated deep sea observation system (IDOOS) Exploration by R/V Abate MolinaTeam CCollected 4 dursibela kamanchaka At a depth of 25,925 feet. To collect the crustaceans, the team landing craft. This cordless platform is used to carry a variety of scientific equipment, including baited traps. The lander entered and exited the ocean floor and was carefully returned to the ship’s deck. The research team discovered that the amphipod had been frozen, and the specimen underwent detailed morphological and genetic analysis at the University of Concepción.
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“The collaborative and integrative approach of this study confirms Dulcibella camanchaca as a new species and highlights ongoing biodiversity discoveries in the Atacama Trench,” said study co-author and IMO oceanographer. Carolina Gonzalez said. stated in a statement. “This discovery highlights the importance of continued deep-sea exploration, especially in the Chilean forecourt. We expect further discoveries as we continue to study the Atacama Trench.”
Scientists like Gonzalez and Weston believe that as exploration technology continues to advance, more species of this species living in extreme environments will be discovered. The results of this study will help us better understand deep-sea ecosystems and add to larger efforts to protect them from climate change and pollution.