Dear Abby: My husband of 30 years passed away. We weren’t wealthy. I was 54 years old. Each of us had a will leaving all of our assets to the other. We were self-employed, so we didn’t have an IRA or 401(k). I sold my only property, so I was able to save a little money.
My daughters have severed ties with me. Because I don’t give my daughters the money they need to live and support their future. I also became estranged from all my grandchildren. I’m very sorry, but I’m scared for the future if I part with my savings. All my daughters are married and are doing well financially. Is this normal? After my father passed away, I gave them all of his belongings. How can I feel better about all this? — lost everything at once
Dear Lost Ones: Thank you for your understanding. Emotional blackmail is not “normal.” Nor are you holding your grandchildren for ransom like your daughters are doing. I hope you understand that as long as they know you have every penny, they will continue to do this.
I think as soon as you take a step back and allow your life to be filled with caring friends who fill some of the void that your daughters have left in your life, you’ll start to feel better about all of this. predicts. You may also find comfort and satisfaction in volunteering with organizations that benefit children. Please wait until it starts.
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Dear Abby was written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or PO Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.