First of all.There are still people in pain Masters of the Universe: Apocalypse‘s plot twist that sidelines He-Man and Skeletor in favor of other unexpected character developments, stop ranting. First of all, that shocking choice took the show to a new level of depth. But more importantly in this conversation, Masters of the Universe: RevolutionSeason 2 of the continuing series brings both He-Man and Skeletor to the fore once again.
restarted several months after the events of revelation, He-Man (Chris Wood) continues to lead the forces of good on Eternia, defeating the last of Skeletor’s (Mark Hamill) Conqueror retirees. Teela (Melissa Benoist) continues to help Grayskull as a sorcerer, and Andra (Tiffany Smith) also now works as Man-at-Arms. The forces of good are the Kingdom of Preternia ( master of the universe A parallel to Heaven), destroyed in the previous season by Skeletor and Evil-Lynn (Lena Headey).
the enemy is back

But little did He-Man know, Skeletor and his band reunited within Snake Mountain, their bodies enhanced by the cybernetics of Horde minion Motherboard (Meg Foster). The Horde, led by Hordak (Keith David), once attempted to conquer Eternia, but was defeated at the hands of King Landor (Diedrich Bader). As Hordak turns his attention back to the planet, a mysterious stranger (William Shatner) arrives with information that could forever change the lives of He-Man and Skeletor alike.
I won’t reveal more than that here. revelationlots of fun Master of the Universe: revolution The film comes from the wild swings with which executive producer Kevin Smith and screenwriters Tim Sheridan and Diya Mishra approach the material. If Season 1 expanded the characters’ pathos into a more adult version, Season 2 dives into that world. master of the universe In a way that celebrates mythology and continues to add layers to the story of Eternia. In addition to Hordak’s recurring appearance, fan favorites Granamyr (John de Lancie) and Gwyldor both get significant screen time this season, with He-Man and Skeletor returning to the spotlight and Together, they should thoroughly please longtime fans.
he-man for adults

that also helps revolution Continuing from the previous season, an excellent group of voice actors has gathered together. Most of the season 1 cast returns here, with two notable exceptions. Benoist replaces Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela, and while she gives a fine performance, I miss the melancholy ennui that Gellar brought to the role. Gates McFadden also replaces Alicia Silverstone as Queen Malena, and feels she is better suited for the character, especially since the Marlena storyline. revolution Take her down a dark path.
As Skeletor, Hamill tones down the camp approach he took in season 1 in favor of more gravitas, especially in his scenes with David’s Hordak and Wood’s He-Man. However, the star of the cast remains Lena Headey as Evil-Lynn. As with last season, screenwriter Sheridan (who has written two episodes this season) seems fascinated by the character, the actress, or both, and focuses on her finer details and conflicts more than any other role. I’m painting her with all my heart. Headey has a lot of fun in the role, her cool voice conveying shades of moral gray throughout. In a way, this character encapsulates her entire approach to. Masters of the Universe: Revelation/Revolution: A one-dimensional manga expanded into an adult drama.
In just 5 episodes, revolutionThe plot moves at a breakneck pace, sometimes moving too quickly for itself. Several characters who are built up as major threats in the first few episodes are eliminated by the middle of the season. This suggests that perhaps Smith & Co. had planned a 10-episode arc, but Netflix just ended up cutting the season short.
strange familiarity

At times, the show feels derivative. Andorra (who, by the way, has gained functionality beyond his season 1 token role, thankfully)’s battle armor is a little too similar to Iron Man’s Hulkbuster suit.Motherboard translates more or less Star TrekBorg Queen appears master of the universe Idioms. Hordak does not guide Darkseid. Zack Snyder’s Justice League So much so that I completely copy him. These details distract from the rest of the story, as do the misplaced attempts at broad humor. It also takes away from the creative audacity that fuels the show.
But it catches fire. Although not as dark and violent as the first season, revolution There’s no shortage of adventure, fun, and nostalgia. master of the universe Lovers.Toxic fans who slammed the destructive storytelling of revelation And their dire predictions will be dashed if the show is quickly canceled.You can also find the storyline revolution Unbearable.Teaser for potential third season arrives with mention that only the most diehards will appear master of the universe Fans will understand. For those who do, it will add extra frenzy to their continued salivation.
either way, Masters of the Universe: Revolution It proves that Grayskull’s powers have returned in a big way.
8/10 specs.
Masters of the Universe: Revolution will be available on Netflix on January 25th.