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Most Americans recognize that Labor Day is about celebrating workers, not union bosses. But that won’t stop Big Labor’s apologists from stealing the spotlight and demanding more power.
In fact, today’s trade unions are built on government-given compulsory privileges. In 23 states without right-to-work laws, employees who refuse to pay union dues or fees can be fired even if they don’t want and don’t want to unionize. These workers and millions more have no choice but to accept union control over wages and working conditions.
Trade union leaders routinely funnel workers’ dues into political campaigns aimed at defending or expanding already wide-ranging privileges. These privileges often conflict with the rights and freedoms of ordinary workers whom union bosses purport to “represent”.
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Unsurprisingly, President Joe Biden, who had campaigned for “the most pro-union president in American history,” was willing to undermine individual workers’ rights in order to increase the power of union bosses. willing to
Mr. Biden regularly touts his support for union leaders’ top legislative priority, the so-called “PRO Act.” It includes the repeal of all laws.
Polls regularly show that workers support choices under the Right to Work Act. The right to work does not prevent a single worker from joining a union or paying union dues if he so chooses, it only ensures that union financial support is voluntary.
But Biden and union leaders will strip millions more workers across the country of the ability to decide for themselves whether union officials should receive a portion of their hard-earned salaries. It will be.
Another prominent example of the Biden administration and the Great Labor Party working together to counter the rights of ordinary workers is pushing for the closure of the trade union disqualification vote. Under current law, workers can petition for a vote to remove so-called “representatives” of the union they don’t want.
Canceling a union’s accreditation should be easy. If more than 30% of her bargaining unit workers sign a petition in good time, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) should immediately schedule an election by secret ballot. If a majority of the votes are against the union, union officials lose the power to impose exclusive “representation” on all workers.
Sounds very simple. But in practice, the obstacles created by the NLRB to obtain such votes often require months or more of litigation just to maintain such votes.
To make matters worse, the Biden NLRB is trying to make it even harder for workers to obtain revocation votes. In a rulemaking that could be finalized now, the Biden administration has challenged union leaders to commit “blocking charges” (a proven crime against employers used as a pretext to block workers’ requests to vote). It seeks to give powers to unilaterally block votes to rescind accreditation using non-accreditation complaints.
These “blocking charges”, combined with other NLRB policies prohibiting decertification votes for years at a time, could indefinitely lock workers into union classes most of them oppose. have a nature. In one case, such tactics were used to block decertification, even though his 100% of employees had signed the decertification application.
Unsurprisingly, President Joe Biden, who had campaigned for “the most pro-union president in American history,” was willing to undermine individual workers’ rights in order to increase the power of union bosses. willing to
Union leaders may like the reassurance that whatever they do will not be dismissed by those who claim to be ‘representatives’. But no one can argue with a straight face that locking dissident workers into unions is actually pro-worker.
Volunteer organizations such as charities, churches, and civic groups are quintessentially American. But Big Labor deviates from the tradition of volunteerism. Instead of persuading workers to join voluntarily and pay dues, union leaders are increasingly relying on coercion to protect their privileged status.
So this Labor Day, don’t accept the trade union propaganda that bosses who support unions support workers. Being truly pro-worker must include respecting workers’ rights to refuse to join or pay union dues.
After all, today is Labor Day, not Labor Day.
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