Mariana Cabgueira collaborated with Wilder World to design the Gaia Tower. This tower completes the third island chain portion of the Trinity Islands project. Trinity Islands is a Genesis project that is part of the City of Wiami, his Web3 virtual city that Wilder World is currently building.
Named Gaia after the Greek goddess of Earth, its design predicts that nature will conquer man-made structures. All three islands are fully open and made for community building. Planned as a haven for virtual peace and tranquility. Ongoing gameplay and his Web3 development aims for a high-fidelity spatial experience with hyper-realistic spatial rendering and spatial navigation. High-fidelity design in Web3 space enhances the immersive experience of virtual reality.
If you want to dive deeper into the design of virtual cities and cyber urban environments, Meta-Fluid Studio 2.0 – Mariana Cabgueira by PAACADEMY.
Project information
plan: Gaia Tower
type: Community building
concept: Serenity, Mindfulness, Purpose
Project created Mariana Cabgueira
Company Wilder World
Trinity Island Project 2023