In a Reddit post titled “True Off My Chest,” the man said the idea behind finally hiding his income from his family began when he first called his mother after getting a job. I got
A billionaire revealed that he hid his fortune from his family and rented his house when they came to visit. In a Reddit post titled “True Off My Chest,” a man shared the thoughts behind finally hiding his income from his family when he first called his mother after getting his job. said to have begun.
“It all started when I went to study abroad. After graduating, I got a job. The first thing I did when I got accepted was to call my mother.
“The first thing she asked was, ‘How much are they paying you?’ I should have known then, but I was too young to blame myself. I told her my salary…now my salary in the country was below average.
“I can barely afford to live decently and save a dime. But when converted to my home currency, it’s a lot of money. It was. Looking back, they didn’t care. As for me, they simply wanted a free vacation and made me their tour guide/ATM/etc.,” he wrote in the thread.
The billionaire added that his family will let others know he will be taken care of.
“They started telling other family members that they should visit me and that I would take care of them. I was told to donate my brother’s college tuition to pay for it,” he said.
His family’s pattern of behavior indicated that he needed to take some steps. As a result, he started ignoring them.
“I slowly started to realize how toxic these people were and that I needed to set some boundaries.
When the pandemic started, the man started his own business, but as it grew he quit, lost his job and lied to his family that he was struggling financially. As a result, his family stopped reaching out to him.
“Fast forward today. I am very blessed and grateful for the financial security. To protect myself, I told my family that I found a job, but the pay is not great and the cost of living is Now when they visit, they pay for their own flights and don’t go out much[laughs],” he said.
Additionally, the billionaire cheated his family by renting an apartment despite having a penthouse. Several readers commented on the thread, generating mixed responses to the thread.
“As long as you are happy! I congratulate you for accomplishing things on your own.
“Seriously. This is not a family issue. This is a stand up against yourself and your boundary issues. No, it’s become more intrusive over time,” said another user.
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