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I am not a politician, diplomat, commentator, or authority on the Middle East. I am just a Jew who loves Israel, has lived and studied there, has a family, and has a son who is currently studying at a seminary in Jerusalem.
Like everyone else, I heard “wars and rumors of wars” during Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah services this weekend, to quote the Gospel of Matthew from my Christian neighbors. Surprise attack. Hundreds of people died, including children and the elderly. Hundreds of people were kidnapped. Thousands of rockets rain down on the sacred site.
And like everyone else, I’m scared — how will this end? When will this end?
We are shaken by the shocking news of 9/11 in Israel, but this event is far worse in proportion to the population than 9/11. We are stunned by the barbarity, the scenario of the Holocaust that seems impossible in modern times. But here we are again, united as a community in shock and sadness.
For now, the world, or at least the civilized part of it, is condemning the horrific Iranian-sponsored violence (hey, thanks for the $6 billion, Joe!) and making the right noise — and Israel has the right to do so. . For example, to protect yourself. But it won’t be long before even the civilized world begins to warn Israel and demand “balance” and a measured response (it never will).
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That is, precisely because our enemies, who have devoured our blood, can do this and more whenever they want, and bring only minimal consequences, i.e. some death tolls and destruction of infrastructure. will conclude. It’s not a big problem.
They would become the Talmudic version of a bloody cow, a cow that tasted blood. Therefore, it is necessary to be stoned to death…but the stoning will not take place. Unless.
Unless Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu rises to the occasion and does whatever it takes to ensure Israel’s security.
Israel unites amid deadliest attack since Yom Kippur War
The motive for revenge is real, but we’re not talking about revenge here. It only puts us on par with the enemy. We are talking about safety, and we will do everything we can to prevent this kind of violence and all other types of violence from happening again, no matter how long it takes and no matter where we have to do it.
The “window” for action closes surprisingly quickly, as it did during Neera, the final moments of prayer and forgiveness on Yom Kippur. All of our allies who are currently sending good wishes, condolences, and arms to Israel will soon succumb to their own political calculations. They’ll start making soothing statements about not escalating the war regionally, condemning violence on both sides, and all the rest, in the words of Joe Biden, “malarkey.”
So the question is, what will Bibi do?
I’m not here to talk about judicial reform, corruption cases, or election tactics. That doesn’t matter now. In the near future, when this situation is as far in the rearview mirror as possible, we will all be happy to return to such topics.
Here is a man who has done everything humanly possible to remain prime minister. He is Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, serving 16 years since 1996. An entire generation of Israelis knows virtually no one else who has served as prime minister.
According to his memoirs, Prime Minister Netanyahu entered politics as revenge for the death of his brother Jonathan, the only Israeli soldier killed in the Entebbe hijacking rescue operation in 1976.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has been telling us for decades that there is no one better qualified or more willing to protect Israel’s borders and Israel’s future. This is the moment he’s been working towards his entire career.
Will he completely destroy Gaza’s terrorist infrastructure? Will he go after Iran? Or will he have a limited reaction to infinite fear and kick his can, wanting to satisfy himself and satisfy others?
Again, this is not about punishment. We all want justice to be done, and the rougher the justice, the better. It’s about security. It is about dismantling an enemy that is allowed to prosper and rebuild, while at the same time creating humanitarian conditions impossible for its own people.
One day, we will be able to look back at the decision to leave Gaza in 2005 and ask whether Israel was doing itself a favor then, or whether it was instead sowing the seeds of possible destruction. Now is not the time for such political discussions. The time for action is now.
For a man wrapped in the mission of providing security, there will certainly be a lot of explaining to do once this is all over. How could Israel’s vaunted intelligence agencies not see this coming? Why was Israel so vigilant on the 50th anniversary of its greatest humiliation to date?
We’ll discuss it again another day. The previous question is easy. Will Prime Minister Netanyahu be able to overcome this situation? Will he do what is necessary, regardless of world opinion, which has hardly been our friend? Or will we declare victory and retreat, as one U.S. senator recommended during the Vietnam War?
Peace is costly, but fear and half-measures are even more costly. Let’s hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu is willing to pay what is due.
Click here to read more from Michael Levin