Thousands of cryptids roam the Appalachian wilderness in Bethesda’s only multiplayer game fall out Many of them will prove to be quite difficult to defeat solo. You may need a group with heavy weapons or a single high-level player to deal damage. But Wendigo is different. They’re relatively easy to fight, but downright scary when they crawl up to you. Here’s how to find Wendigo spawns. fallout 76!
Where to find Wendigo in Fallout 76
Most of the cryptids in the game prefer to hide, but the Wendigo is deadly. They use ambush tactics to surprise players, and attack with speed and ferocity that can stagger power armor. If you want to hunt down a Wendigo, you can find Wendigo spawns in the following locations: fallout 76 and around:
- Garrahan Estate
- Fort Defiance
- heaven church
- Eastern Regional Prison
- lewisburg
- freddy fear’s house of horrors
- KMAX transmission
- Big B’s Rest Area
- watoga emergency services
- Seneca Rocks Visitor Center
- Firebase LT
- monkey grinder
- Whitespring Golf Club
- Hawks Refuge

Additionally, Wendigos occasionally appear as bosses in public events.
Wendigo variations in Fallout 76
There are several different types of wendigos fallout 76each variant behaves slightly differently, for example dealing additional damage or inflicting poison or radiation.
- wendigo
- greedy wendigo
- shining wendigo
- scorching wendigo
- wendigo spawn
- wendigo colossus
How to defeat Wendigo
Wendigos can surprise players, even if they are wearing power armor and are of a higher level, so it is usually best to keep some distance between you and the Wendigo. Personally, I like to panic and start throwing grenades in that general direction. However, if you want to stay calm and focused, heavy weapons, especially the Gatling laser, will suffice.
Be careful if you like melee attacks. Some Wendigo subspecies are capable of emitting bursts of damaging radiation over a short period of time, which can have a huge impact on your health if you’re not careful.