As you probably know by now, you should keep your private life off the internet. Your middle name, occupation, city, pet’s name, school you went to, spouse’s name, age of your children, shoe size are all the details scammers and hackers want to know.
A popular new TikTokker is proving that most of us are much worse at this than we thought. Let’s take a closer look at ‘consensual privacy disclosure’ and how it can dig up all the information about you online.
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Shopping under surveillance: How retailers track you and what you can do to stay invisible
she’s turned it into an art
TikTokker Kristen Sotakoun became an overnight viral sensation, increasing her follower count from 30 to 1.1 a million, about what she calls “consensual disclosure of personal information.” In her first viral video, Discovered by Kristen Man identity from cartoon avatar and glasses.
In another article, she tracked down TikTok’s owner using only his business username and traced his online record of his organ donation journey from a car forum to a blog in 2014. (She found the actual documents!)
Do you think your account is locked like Fort Knox?
Kristen says she has cracked about 70% to 80% of her “cases,” and she only uses social media snippets left behind by people, digging deep into public records and sketchy databases. No digging.
If she can do it, anyone can. Here are some tips for the trade.
20 Google Search Tricks, Hidden Utilities, Games, and Freebies
grasp the basics
Google is the easiest place to start your search. Enter the full name in quotation marks, such as “Bobby Smith.” There are many Bobby Smiths, so you may want to narrow your search using other information, such as the city you live in.
Check social media
Do this in incognito mode from your browser or log out of your account to see what others find. However, keep in mind that many people don’t use their real names online. If you find her one of her aliases online in a Google search, be aware that other people may search for her as well and see that alias on Instagram, Pinterest, or another site. please.
And if you have LinkedIn, use your real name there. Does it include your city? All of your past jobs? I thought so.
your home is online too
I’m not talking about Jirou. Anyone can look up your address on the county’s assessment site. These government-run sites use data from appraisers to estimate the value of real estate within a county, city, town, or village.
You can find out the property’s value, size, and owner’s name. Not all appraisal sites provide the same information, but you can find the owner’s signature and a list of other properties he owns.
Perform this important Wi-Fi check at least twice a year
seeing is believing
Words and profiles are one thing, but what about photos? All these sites are worth checking out to see what they show you.
- Pimeyes: This site allows you to upload images of yourself (or others) and find them on the Internet. This is especially useful for tracking where your photos appear online.
- Tin Eye: This is also a great reverse image search tool.
- yandex images: This is the image search side of Yandex, Russia’s largest search engine. You can perform a reverse image search and find similar photos online.
You might want to start thinking of your digital footprint as uniquely yours, but it can easily get deleted if you’re not careful.
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Podcast recommendations: Food delivery bomb prank, Amazon passkey, Airbnb hidden camera
Plus, hear from the man who tattooed the face of an online troll in a unique revenge plan. Is your ex lurking on your social profiles? We reveal the science behind why we do it, even if it’s not good for you. We’ll also show you Amazon shopping hacks to get the best deals and tips to improve your voice typing skills.
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