Hip replacement surgery reduces pain and improves your ability to perform daily activities. If you have had this surgery or may be having it soon, you are probably excited to get back to normal. However, keep in mind that surgery does not permanently eliminate all problems. Following lifelong precautions after hip replacement surgery, such as maintaining a healthy weight and being aware of your movements, will help ensure the success of your surgery in the long term. Even after the initial recovery period, it is essential to be aware of this. This way, you can continue to enjoy the benefits and protect your health.
Precautions after surgery
During the early stages of recovery, usually the first 6 weeks and sometimes up to 6 months after surgery, your doctor may advise you to take special precautions to avoid complications, especially hip dislocation and hip pain. there is. These precautions are especially important when hip replacement surgery uses a posterior approach, meaning the surgical incision is made at the back of the hip near the buttock.
The main precautions that should be observed during this period are:
1. Avoid bending your hip joints past 90 degrees.
During the early stages of recovery, it is important to avoid over-flexing the hip. This means you need to be careful not to lift your knees too high or bend your hips too much. For example, when sitting in a chair, try to keep your thighs parallel to the floor. Trying to sit in a very low chair or bending your knees and hips too much, such as when putting on socks, can disrupt this 90-degree rule and make your hips more likely to dislocate.
Also read: 8 causes of hip pain
2. Keep your toes straight when walking
Your doctor will probably advise you to walk carefully, especially after hip replacement surgery. Avoid having your toes pointing inward when you walk, as this is bad for your lower back. When you walk, sit, stand, or lie down, keep your toes pointing straight ahead or slightly to the side. This protects your hip joint and helps it stay in place until you feel better after surgery.
3. Do not cross the operated leg over the other leg
Crossing the legs by placing the newly replaced hip over the other leg is also a movement to avoid. Your doctor may advise you to use an abduction pillow during sleep to prevent hip dislocation.
4. Monitor your weight
Managing your ideal weight is one of the most important lifelong precautions you can take after hip replacement surgery. It is important to constantly monitor your weight. Carrying extra weight can make your new hip joint work harder, which can be bad. Therefore, it is important to try to maintain a healthy weight to ensure that your new hip is long-lasting and comfortable. This can be achieved by eating healthy foods, such as foods that help with joint pain, and doing activities such as short walks. Your doctor can also help with this.
Also read: 10 Best Exercises to Reduce Hip Bursitis
5. Recommendations and duration of preventive measures
It’s important to note that seemingly mundane activities, such as physical therapy exercises, can be risky during recovery. A physical therapist can demonstrate how to perform the exercise safely to avoid complications such as dislocation.
When should you see a doctor?
When taking these precautions, it is important to know the signs of hip prosthesis dislocation. Contact your health care provider right away if you experience any of the following symptoms:
You feel significant discomfort in your hip and groin area.
It makes a crackling sound when you move it.
Difficulty or inability to walk.
It feels like your hip joints are “hooking” as you move.
I can’t move my hip joints.
If the leg with the hip prosthesis appears shorter than the other leg.
Duration of precautionary measures
The duration of precautions after hip replacement surgery depends on your preoperative health, your level of mobility, the complexity of your surgery, and your post-operative rehabilitation. It is generally recommended that most people follow these precautions for about 90 days (approximately 3 months) after surgery, but may extend for up to 6 months depending on your circumstances and recovery progress. there is.
Your doctor may provide further guidance based on periodic test reports. They will work closely with your orthopedic surgeon to determine when it is safe to discontinue these precautions.
Also read: Hip arthritis: symptoms and treatment
Important lifelong precautions after hip surgery
It is very important to make sure there are no problems with your new hip joint at first. However, care must be taken to ensure that the hip replacement continues to function well, even over time.these Lifetime limitations after hip replacement surgery This is like a rule that you must follow throughout your life, regardless of your age or health status. There are a few things you should always be aware of.
1. Avoid bending your hips too much
For older adults, it is best to avoid bending too much at the waist or lifting your knees too high when sitting on a low chair. This helps reduce the chance of hip problems and dislocations.
2. Avoid twisting motions
Some movements, such as crossing your legs, turning your toes in when you walk, and changing direction quickly, can increase your risk of hip injury. dislocated. Therefore, it is important to be careful not to perform these twisting movements that can injure your hip joints.
3. Sleep with a pillow between your legs
If you sleep on your side, placing a pillow between your legs will improve the alignment of your hips and legs. This improves comfort and hip stability.
4. Avoid repetitive high-impact activities
High-impact activities such as running, jumping, and sports that involve a lot of twisting, such as basketball or racquetball, can wear out your hip joints more quickly and can damage them. Therefore, it is a good idea to refrain from these activities after undergoing hip replacement surgery.
5. Talk to your healthcare provider
The need for these lifelong precautions varies from person to person, and it is important to discuss their relevance to your particular situation with your health care provider. You can take the necessary precautions based on your health, lifestyle, and recovery progress.
General self-care tips
In addition to the specific precautions listed above, some general self-care guidelines apply to a variety of daily activities.
1. When changing clothes
When getting dressed, sit on a stable chair or on the edge of your bed to avoid bending or lifting your legs too high. Use helpful tools like reachers, long-handled shoehorns, elastic shoelaces, and sock aids to reduce the need for excessive bending.
Also read: Hip pain in women: 7 possible causes
2. Stay seated
To prevent discomfort or injury, change positions every 30 to 40 minutes, keep your feet apart, and avoid crossing your legs. Use a sturdy chair with a straight back and armrests, and make sure your hips are higher than your knees. When standing up, use the arm of a chair, walker, crutches, etc. for support instead of rocking your body.
3. While bathing or showering
Please use rubber mats in the shower room to prevent slipping. Do not bend over or reach for objects. Use a long-handled shower sponge for hard-to-reach areas. Consider raising the toilet seat to maintain proper lower back alignment. Speaking of aging, 75% People have difficulty bathing and are more prone to hip dislocations.
4. If using stairs
Step up with your non-surgical leg. Get off with the surgical leg. Always use the stair railings for support.
5. While lying in bed
Don’t sleep on your new hip or stomach side. Instead, sleep on your opposite side with a pillow between your thighs. Consider using your own abduction pillow or splint to properly align your hip.
Also read: Top 8 causes of hip pain that spreads to the legs
6. Get into or ride in a car
When entering your car, be aware of curbs and door steps. Check the seat height and use a pillow if necessary. On long rides, he should take a break every two hours to stretch his legs.
7. Walking
Lifelong precautions after hip replacement include walking in a way that is good for your hip, especially after hip replacement. Follow your health care provider’s instructions regarding the use of crutches or a walker, and place only approved weight on your hips. Take short strides when changing directions, wear non-slip shoes, and use caution on wet or uneven surfaces.
Total hip replacement surgery offers significant benefits in terms of pain relief and increased mobility, but it’s important to prioritize your safety and health and follow recommendations. Permanent limitations after knee replacement surgery.these Precautions for total hip replacement surgery It can help prevent hip dislocations and ensure a successful hip replacement, especially during the early stages of recovery. Work with your therapist and doctor for a safe and speedy recovery. Follow guidelines for improving hip function and an active lifestyle. Remember that the healing process is different for everyone.