If Mario is Nintendo’s mascot for everything, Link isn’t far behind him.he is appearing legend of zelda The series expands on the game with epic new releases every few years. Many of these titles are considered some of the best games of all time.
But what is the best? legend of zelda game? The series is very diverse, from original titles dating back to the NES to later games like the open-world Tears of the Kingdom on the Nintendo Switch.find everything here legend of zelda We rank games from best to worst based on gameplay, characters, world, story, popularity, and more.
1. Tears of the Kingdom

tears of the kingdom It shows you how to make a sequel to one of the most memorable games of all time.It takes everything Breath of the Wild Every corner has been improved. The world is much bigger, there’s a lot more to do, it feels more alive, and its powers are the best in the series. Players can play this game alone for years and still find unforgettable moments. This is not only the number one game in the series, but one of the top must-play games in the history of the medium.
2. Ocarina of Time 3D

When it comes to the best games of all time, there’s one title that always rises to the top. ocarina of time. It is a prime example of how to transfer a 2D series into his 3D space, and is also the peak of the most typical. zelda Gameplay Gamers expect a tight world with a lot to do from Temple Dungeon. Jumping back and forth between his two key points in Link’s life creates surprising developments and memorable characters.
3. Breath of the Wild

If there’s one feat the video game industry is known for in this series, it’s that it revolutionizes gameplay in distinctive ways.take Breath of the Wild, This brought the series back to its open-world roots. Players can go where they want and do what they want with little to no restrictions. It doesn’t have traditional dungeons or a proper story, but its quiet, immersive world is hard to match.
4. Majora’s Mask 3D

Direct follow-up to top management zelda The game is no different from its predecessor. If you’re looking for the darkest, most disturbing and unique gameplay experience in the series, look no further. Link finds himself in the twisted world of Terminus. There he is given three days to stop the moon from crashing into the world. All the characters are filled with fear as they know the end is near, leading to a captivating and emotional adventure.
5. Minish Cap

It’s interesting to think that the thing that left the most impression on me was the 2D. zelda That experience comes not from Nintendo itself, but rather from Capcom. This GBA title of his is full of color and beauty and has a different style from other games in the series. The 2D dungeons and combat are perfect, and the puzzles and items are deep enough to provide the most rewarding pure handheld experience in the series.
6. Twilight Princess HD

The rich, mature style and story of this GameCube and Wii entry are iconic to the community. Despite some issues with pacing, this is one of the darkest entries in the series, making it a great choice for those looking for an antithesis to this. Wind Waker. Tense combat and a storyline engulf players in Midna and Link’s story. Plus, what could be better than Wolf Link?
7. Link to the past

For many, this entry stands out as their favorite game in the series. After all, the third mainline title featured some of the most stunning pixel art in the franchise, along with a gameplay style that’s still in use decades later. The development was innovative and really fun for those who were checking it out in the 1990s.
8. Connections between worlds

In most cases, connection with the world a modern interpretation link to the past, but in sequel form. Some elements have been improved, such as the free-form progression system, but at the same time it’s missing some of the charm of the original. It’s a step below inspiration because it’s less well-known.
9. Skyward Sword HD

skyward sword It was a huge comeback for the franchise. At the time of its release on Wii, many fans didn’t appreciate the motion controls, gameplay, and overall experience. However, the release on Switch has given him a definitive second chance. Better gameplay would help it shine as one of the brightest spots in the series, especially when it comes to the most emotional and deepest relationship between Link and Zelda.
10. Wind Waker HD

One of the most controversial games in the series was able to reach its full potential with an HD rendering.The most mature graphical cel-shading style zelda A pre-Nintendo GameCube game. Its sea-based adventures and goofy characters earned it a spot in the top 10 of this list.
11. Link’s Awakening (2019)

A remake of the 1990s handheld game console Nintendo Switch has breathed new life into an outdated title. It boasts gorgeous graphics in a vibrant toy box style. At the time, there was nothing that could match this game from a graphics standpoint, but the gameplay changes made it fun to play for new and old fans alike.
12. Trajectory of the Soul

Link’s second Nintendo DS entry is one of the best mobile games in the series. Nintendo improved the overall touch experience along with a better storyline by including Princess Zelda in a central way. This mainline game is one of the most underrated titles in the series and shouldn’t be missed by anyone.
13. The Legend of Zelda

Every game on this list has a title to thank for its existence. It also established many of the tropes and ideas that would become common throughout the series. As one of the first open-world games ever, it’s fascinating that players can progress through large portions of the game in any order they like. Although the current gameplay is not as fun as his 1986 one, he is still one of the popular gameplay. The most important video game in history.
14.Dream Hourglass

The first sequel is Wind Waker Great value and one of the better mobile-only zelda game. It feels like a true 3D-style experience for the Nintendo DS, with fun exploration, decent puzzles, and a solid story. Although not as good as the direct sequel, the unique touch controls work well.
15. The Oracle of the Ages Zelda game ranking

pair of age and season They are almost too similar to each other.That said, some important differences encourage age It’s a little higher than the twin. The time travel mechanics aren’t anything special, but the more puzzle-focused gameplay paves the way for a better story and world to explore. It is also helpful to play this game first, as players can transfer their progress.
16. Seasonal Oracle

season It lags slightly behind its sister games in terms of its focus on combat. As a result, the title lacked depth and had a world that was too difficult to understand. It also doesn’t have a story or characters like other games, and only has a minimal plot, which doesn’t fully capture the player’s attention.
17. Link’s Awakening DX (1998)

While the remake of this title has made for a worthy game in the series, the original has struggled to play well lately. Link is on an island, where he has to go through dungeons and meet characters like Marine instead of Princess Zelda. The graphics and gameplay are so shallow that’s why there’s a remake in the first place.
18. Zelda II Link’s Adventure

The direct follow-up to the first game in the series is as disappointing as it is disappointing. We’ve turned everything upside down with 2D side-scrolling gameplay and challenging dungeons. While it does offer a unique perspective on Link when it comes to gameplay, there is little reason for gamers to return to this game to truly enjoy it.
19. Adventure of the Four Swords

The Nintendo GameCube features one of the great multiplayer adventures of Link and his friends. Players gather in groups of up to four and traverse eight worlds and various boss battles. There’s some fun here, even if it’s a linear and underwhelming entry in a long-running series.
20. Triforce Heroes

This Nintendo 3DS wasn’t quite the game fans wanted at the time. In another multiplayer adventure, three Links combine for a multiplayer experience filled with combat and puzzles. However, poor online connectivity and lack of quality single-player content severely hamper the game’s playability.
21. Four Swords

When it comes to multiplayer games, Link and his adventures don’t come to mind, and there’s a good reason for that. This GBA title of his has simplified gameplay. link to the past Enables a 2-4 player experience. Although it seems intriguing at first, it is poorly implemented and is not recommended.