Erin Mikan
good morning. Today’s image, January 23, shows the night sky as seen from the Southern Hemisphere. Although this is a simple image of the Milky Way taken with a cell phone, it captures a very majestic view.
Erin Mikan said she was inspired to send the photo after seeing a recent image from Playa Grande, Mexico, showing the Milky Way galaxy above a bioluminescent bay.
“This image was taken in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia, between Sydney and Canberra,” she said. “Photo taken in September 2023 using my phone, Google Pixel 7 Pro.”
I think it’s a pretty spectacular night sky for you to be up there, Erin.
Now, some readers of the Daily Telescope may be saying, “Eric, you certainly have a bias against the Milky Way.” The Milky Way currently appears in about six feature photos. And you know, you’re right! I’m partial to the Milky Way. Because the Milky Way is the best. My children live here.
Source: Erin Mikan
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