Exclusive: A conservative grassroots group said Monday it had registered 50,000 new voters in two key battleground states as the two major party presidential candidates prepare to face off in a highly-anticipated debate.
Heritage Action for America, which boasts 2 million activists in every state across the country, announced the success of six-figure, data-driven efforts to register people to vote in Georgia and Arizona.
The group also said it was considering building on this by funding other projects in two states to boost voter turnout among newly registered voters.
The campaign targets conservative voters, not Republican, Democratic, or any other party voters. As a 501c(4) organization, Heritage Action is allowed to support specific bills but cannot campaign for partisan candidates.
Founded in 2010, Heritage Action works to win conservative policy victories at the state level and trains volunteers and other activists to become “watchdogs” in their states to “fight for America’s future.”
Pennsylvanians have mixed responses to where Harris stands on key issues.
Heritage Action Vice President Ryan Walker said of the project in these two key states that the past few election cycles have shown that “every vote counts.”
“Registering as many like-minded voters as possible can and will make the difference between whether conservatives win or lose the 2024 election,” Walker said.
“Heritage Action is proud of our work to register more than 50,000 conservative voters in Georgia and Arizona, and we look forward to further investing in these must-win states.”
Walker added that voter participation is key to returning a conservative majority to Congress and enacting conservative policies from the executive branch.
Conservative groups launch massive voter registration drive in key states
“The future of our country is at stake and Heritage is doing everything in its power to save it,” Walker said.
After identifying potential new enrollees, project organizers and activists followed up with door-to-door visits, text messages and phone conversations.
President Biden defeated former President Donald Trump in both states by about 12,000 votes in each, far short of the 50,000 votes Heritage Action estimated.
“Based on 2020 election data, the addition of 50,000 conservative voters in Georgia and Arizona could change the outcome of the presidential election,” the group said in a statement.
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Kevin Roberts, president of Heritage Action, said in earlier comments that Biden won the White House by a narrow margin in 2020 and that conservative change can come through targeted grassroots organizing.
“Voters want to remove President Trump from office for good because he has opened borders, destroyed the economy with overspending and inflation, and sowed conflict around the world with his failed foreign policy,” Roberts said.
“Heritage Action’s strategic voter registration campaign is about finding and equipping the voters needed to build conservative majorities in must-win states across the country.”