Lancaster, NY (WIVB) — Local businesses are raising their glasses in line with new laws in the village of Lancaster.
From Sunday, people will be able to take alcoholic beverages outside, which could give a boost to bars and restaurants.
“We wanted it. We wanted it enough and we got it. That’s what you have to do.”
Skubis says he pitched the idea to the village board three times. His restaurant will also sell takeout alcohol, which he says will be an extra boost. It is said to be compared to East Aurora where open containers are allowed. They said villages could host similar events, drawing large crowds.The towns of Evans and Angola also have open container laws.
“They block the streets and walk from bar to bar, restaurant to restaurant, venue to venue. I’ll get to,” said Skubis.
Some residents are concerned about public safety and say they must drink responsibly.
“I hope the people who come out there and participate in it use their best judgment. It’s been proven to work in East Aurora, but I don’t see why it doesn’t work here,” said a resident. said Ken Marecki of
“It’s going to be slow and steady,” Skubis said. “A year or two she’ll bear fruit and you’ll really see the difference, but it’s a baby step.”