Paris: The mother of a 13-year-old boy who committed suicide in eastern France this month said Monday he believed homophobic bullying by a classmate had “triggered” his suicide.
“For me, bullying was the factor that caused it.
Her son Lucas hanged himself in early January.
Four 13-year-old middle schoolers are on trial for inciting a boy’s suicide through bullying, district attorney Frederic Nahon said Friday.
Lucas’ mother Severin said Monday that “they are still children” and should be “protected” after threats against the accused were made public on social media.
“Of course I disagree with them. My son is no longer with us.” They were “mean to him,” she added in a tear-choked voice.
Severin said she hoped her appearance in court would get those suspected of bullying to “think” and “act on,” and she herself has also been called out to warn against harassment. He said he planned to attend school.
“They should come with us. It might be good for them to participate,” she added, explaining the consequences of their actions.
Prosecutors said Friday that the other children “only admitted a few times to making fun of their classmates,” rather than being systematically bullied.
But people close to Lucas, who wrote in his diary about wanting to take his own life, say he was subjected to homophobic taunts and insults at school in the town of Gorbey.
Four of her classmates, two boys and two girls, were released after being detained for questioning, but will be tried at the Children’s Special Court.
A second investigation is underway against an unidentified person for failing to report child abuse. -AFP