Black Mirror is a British series created by Charlie Brooker. Inspired by The Twilight Zone, this series uses technology and media to talk about contemporary social issues. The series has 27 episodes spanning six seasons and his one special episode, along with the film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018). Notably, Channel 4, a British network, released his first two seasons in 2011 and 2013. After that, his next four seasons moved to Netflix. After a four-year hiatus, season 6 was released on Netflix on June 15, 2023.
Will Black Mirror be renewed for season 7?
Netflix has not yet officially announced the renewal of Black Mirror season 7. However, we can guarantee that it will be coming soon. On November 21, 2023, Netflix France tweeted about all its shows being renewed for another season. In addition to that tweet, they posted another tweet that said:
Not only did I make two announcements, I forgot two announcements. “Love, Death & Robots S4” and “Black Mirror S7” are also coming soon.
However, I deleted it immediately. Nevertheless, this was enough to get fans excited about the renewal of Black Mirror.
black mirror season 7 cast
There have been no official announcements regarding season 7 cast members. However, we can expect Brooker, Annabelle Jones, and Jessica Rose to return as executive producers on the drama. The number of episodes is also kept secret.
In particular, season 6 featured popular faces such as Salma Hayek, Annie Murphy, Aaron Paul, Josh Hartnett, and Papa Essido. Meanwhile, season 5 starred Andrew Scott, Anthony Mackie, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Topher Grace, and Miley Cyrus.
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black mirror season 7 release date
As of now, neither Netflix nor Charlie Brooker have announced a seventh season. However, in November 2023, France’s Netflix mistakenly announced that production on the show would begin by the end of 2023. Therefore, we can expect to see season 7 by the end of 2024, but this is still an assumption.
black mirror season 7 trailer
There is no trailer for season 7 yet. Additionally, it may still be in production, so don’t expect to see it any time soon.
Where can I watch Black Mirror?
Viewers can easily watch this acclaimed show on Netflix. The first six seasons of Her Girlfriend are currently available to watch, with a seventh season likely to be added later this year.