A group of paleontologists, park rangers, and geologists new species An ancient shark that lives in the rock formations of Mammoth Cave National Park in Kentucky. It was discovered in a large fossil deposit containing at least 40 species of sharks and their relatives, as well as well-preserved skeletal cartilage.
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The new species is named Strigyrodus torsonae And it’s a petal-eyed shark. These extinct sharks had petal-shaped teeth and lived about 337 million years ago. According to the National Park Serviceit is more closely related to modern ratfish than sharks or rays, and was identified from teeth found in cave walls. Strigyrodus torsonae It probably had teeth containing one rounded point used for cutting and long, inert ridged sides for crushing prey, like molars. Paleontologists believe that they probably lived as follows. modern skate shoes They also eat earthworms, clams, and small fish.
Strigyrodus torsonae Literally translated: “Thorson’s Scraper Teeth” It is named after Mammoth Cave National Park guide Kelly Tolleson, who discovered the new species during her paleontological research.
The limestone caves that make up the 400-mile-long Mammoth Cave system were formed during the late Paleozoic era, about 325 million years ago.Geologists call this period mississippi erawhen a shallow ocean covered much of North America, including where Mammoth Cave is today.
in 2019, the park initiated an extensive paleontological resource inventory to identify the numerous types of fossils associated with the rock formations. Mammoth Cave Park staff reported that several fossilized shark teeth were exposed on the walls of the cave. Ste.genevieve limestone In some places. Shark fossils can be difficult to obtain because shark skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone. Because cartilage is not as strong as bone, it is generally poorly preserved in the fossil record.
After that, the team brought John Paul Hodnett, shark fossil expert We worked with the Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission to help identify the shark fossil. Hodnett and park rangers discovered and identified several different species of primitive sharks from specimens of shark teeth and thin vertebrae in the rocks lining the cave passages.
“The diversity of sharks we see as we explore the passageways that make up Mammoth Cave is truly amazing.” Hodnett said in a statement.. “Other teeth and spines have been discovered on the ceilings and walls of caves, allowing us to move only a few feet. We are observing various species of chondrichids. [cartilaginous fish] Filling a variety of ecological niches, from large predators to small crinoid sharks [sea lily] The underwater forest that was their habitat. ”
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In addition to Strigyrodus torsonae, Over the past 10 months, researchers have identified more than 40 different species of sharks and their relatives from Mammoth Cave specimens. There appear to be at least six fossil shark species that are new to science. According to the research team, these species will be described in the future. Named in upcoming scientific publications.
Because the majority of shark fossils are found in areas of the park that are inaccessible to the general public, photographs, illustrations, and three-dimensional models are created to display the discoveries. The park also plans to celebrate the new shark fossil with several groups. Presentations and exhibits on Monday, October 23rd.