Elon Musk said Monday night that only paying users should vote to regulate the platform, after losing a Twitter poll asking if he should continue as CEO of a social media company.
“Twitter will make that change,” Musk wrote in response to a user who suggested that only paying users should be able to vote on the platform. This policy change could be Musk’s way back to his earlier promise to take into account the results of a poll he conducted Sunday night on whether he should stay as CEO.
Good point of view. Twitter will make that change.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 19, 2022
Millions of users in countries where Twitter Blue is not yet available will be left without a say in the fate of the company if only paying members were allowed to vote. A blue checkmark appears next to your username and gives you early access to new features. Musk shows that the platform is losing him $4 million a day, so charging $8 a month is one way he’s trying to recoup some of those losses. is.
Recent polls show no support for Mr. Musk. On Thursday, Twitter banned a number of journalists covering Mastodon and technology.
Musk conducted a study to determine how long it would take for users banned for “doxing” to have their Twitter accounts restored. Two separate polls found that the majority of Twitter users believe the service should start restoring banned accounts immediately.
Should I resign as the head of Twitter? I will follow this poll.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 18, 2022
On Sunday, Musk said it would conduct user research before making any significant policy changes. After widespread criticism of the company’s new policy, which prohibits users from providing links to competing social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, he promised to back down on the policy.
Musk then publicly raised the question of whether he should step down as CEO. More than half (57.5%) of those who took part in the survey wanted Mr. Musk to step down as his CEO.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 19, 2022
By endorsing users’ unproven claims that bots voted in surveys, Elon Musk may be looking for ways to circumvent the results of the survey.
Also Read: Internet Says ‘Yes’ to Elon Musk Poll About Resigning as Twitter CEO