XO, Kitty is an American romantic comedy-drama series. This title, created by Jenny Han, was released on Netflix on May 18, 2023. It is a spin-off of the movie series “To All The Boys.” This work will be the first spin-off of a Netflix original film. The show received overall positive reviews and was renewed for a second season in June 2023.
This renewal came just a month after the first season premiered. XO, it’s no surprise that Kitty has performed so well on her streaming platform.
XO, what is Kitty?
Katherine “Kitty” Covey, sister of Too All the Boys’ Lara Jean, is in a long-distance relationship with her Korean boyfriend, Dae. She received a full scholarship to study at the Korean Independent School in Seoul, where her boyfriend also studies. Not only that, but Kitty’s late mother was also a student at the school. Therefore, in order to be close to De and feel connected to her mother, Kitty convinces her father to let her go. The series revolves around various aspects of love, friendship, and heartbreak and has garnered attention in over 50 countries.
XO, Kition synopsis Netflix situation:
A new love story unfolds when teenage matchmaker Kitty reunites with her long-distance boyfriend at the same boarding school that her late mother attended.
Is “XO, Kitty” Season 2 in production?
The series will primarily be shot in South Korea, and is scheduled to begin filming over a three-month period from April to June of this year. However, the schedule may change as the shooting date approaches or depending on the situation.
XO, Kitty Season 2 Cast
There is no official cast announcement for season 2. However, key cast members will definitely reprise their roles. Includes Anna Cathcart, Min Young Choi, Jia Kim, Sang-Hong Lee, Anthony Keevan, Regan Arya, and Peter Turnwald.
In addition, three new characters will be introduced in the next season. The first new series regular is Sophie, a Korean-American girl who transfers at the last minute on an exchange program. Another member is Mr. Choi, a talent manager who plans to fund arts programs at Korean Independent Schools in Seoul. Finally, this season adds another character named Young. He is gay and will give competition to the main characters of the series. ”
XO, Kitty Season 2 Release Date
The series is expected to be released in 2025 as it was not mentioned in the 2024 release list. However, Netflix also said that release dates and titles may change, and not all 2024 releases will be included in the release.
From the content of this article, we can conclude that XO, Kitty will soon return for another season. On the other hand, those who aren’t familiar with the first season can binge-watch this romantic comedy. Netflix.