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Our shared American history is being stolen from us by left-wing activists. There is no better example of this than the increasing attacks on our founding fathers and heroes in 1776.
The left has declared war on the heroes who sacrificed everything to found the greatest nation on earth. And make no mistake: the left is winning this war.
December 16th was the 250th anniversary of the famous Boston Tea Party.
Hundreds celebrate Boston Tea Party 250th anniversary with revolutionary movement reenactment
A “revolutionary” protest movement that occurred after the British King passed the “Tea Act” in 1773. Tensions between the colonists and the Crown had already increased significantly due to the Boston Massacre in March 1770 and other repressive acts enacted. against the colonies. The tea law escalated them.
This undated engraving depicts the scene on July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Philip Livingston, and Roger Sherman, was approved by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. (AP photo)
This law gave the British East India Company an unfair and burdensome monopoly over the sale of tea in the colonies. This was aimed at rescuing the bankrupt company, whose failure would have thrown the entire British economy into turmoil.
Colonists resisted the Tea Act for two reasons. First, it violated the Constitution’s principle of self-government by consent. Second, because they simply couldn’t afford to pay taxes. George Washington explained, “What are we fighting about? [three pence per pound] Because it’s tea [it is] Is it a burden? No, only the right side. . . As British people, we cannot afford to be deprived of this essential and valuable part of our Constitution. ”
In 1773, the legendary John Adams, who later became the second president of the United States, said of the Boston Tea Party protests: “I have so much respect for the Patriots. I can’t help but think of this as an epoch in history.”
It was an “epoch” in American history. It puts the colonies firmly on the path to revolution against the king.
It’s an important part of our shared American history, and some on the left are now using racist tactics to openly suggest that the patriots who took part in the 1773 protests were “terrorists.” I’m trying to frame it in the context of
In 2022, I wrote a book titled 56 Freedom Lessons from the People Who Risked Everything to Sign the Declaration of Independence. The only reason I wrote that book is because far-left activists are trying to cancel the Founding Fathers, Independence Day, and even the Star-Spangled Banner, and celebrate them and their genius and great accomplishments. This was to warn us that we need to speak out. Their great sacrifice.
Sadly, since that book was published, attacks from the left have only intensified. Regarding the Boston Tea Party, a recent column in the Washington Post asked, “Was the Boston Tea Party an act of terrorism?”
The patriots who took part in the protests were described as follows:

George Washington’s Farewell Address inspired generations of Americans, including during the Civil War. Sheet music cover image for the song “The Last Words of Washington Song, “Washington’s farewell greeting is on the last page of this song.” “Written by Geo P. Morris, Esq; Composed by J.R. Thomas, USA, 1862. (Photo credit: Sheridan Libraries/Levy/Gado/Getty Images)
“Huges of white men disguised themselves as Native Americans, covered their faces in copper, wore headdresses, and staged seditious plots, following the same tradition that would lead decades later to blackface minstrel shows. committed a crime and destroyed private property…
This attack builds on attacks calling Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other Founding Fathers “white supremacists.” After Washington, Jefferson, and other names were literally sandblasted off the building. Jefferson and Madison’s historic Monticello and Montpelier homes have been “reimagined” into woke stories, respectively.
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The woke left, which has successfully infiltrated the media, academia, entertainment, science, and medicine, seeks to override the Founding Fathers and reimagine and rewrite our shared American history.
As I said before, if our history is bad, let’s denounce it and learn from it. If it’s good, praise it and build on it. But we must never cancel our shared American history.
Erasing history is the act of totalitarian regimes.
We can and must fight back against these growing attacks on our Founding Fathers and our shared history. Just as we did with the ultimately victorious but outnumbered Continental Army in 1776, we can win against the armies of the awakened left.
In a sense, we have to relive the War of 1776 all over again. Not just to stop the self-defeating and nation-destroying imperatives of the woke left, but to preserve the history, memory, and genius of the people who bequeathed us all of the United States of America.
Start your own “committee of communications,” spread the word, and save our shared American history from the oppressive and totalitarian left. Time is not on our side.
Click here to read more articles by Douglas MacKinnon