This mask is made with egg-derived albumin, which leaves your skin feeling hydrated. It is said to tighten pores, moisturize, increase elasticity, exfoliate, and balance pH levels. To use, mix the provided powder and liquid with a brush. Apply the mixture evenly all over your face and leave it on until it begins to dry. Rinse after 10-15 minutes and enjoy a fresh, hydrated face. For more Halloween-inspired skincare tips, Green Witch Pack.
Promising reviews: “I was given the Hanacure mask as a gift and I love it, but it’s too expensive. I’ve heard really great things about the Skin 1004 Zombie mask. At about $2.50 each, why not? Honestly, this mask is just magical. I didn’t notice any change in my skin right away, but when I looked in the mirror a few hours later, I was amazed at how much clearer my skin was. I’ve never noticed such a change before. Who is Hanacure?!? Don’t get me wrong, Hanacure’s masks are also amazing and magical, but they are expensive and the recommended twice-weekly mask schedule is impossible to maintain.His zombie mask is just magical and in my opinion it gets better. And it’s very interesting. I was worried because many of the reviews said it had a terrible smell, but I didn’t notice any smell. I’m sensitive to smells, so I can’t use scented lotions or lip balms. In short, it’s better than Hanacure, both for the price and for the results.” —Dana Dane
8 pack on Amazon $24.99+ (Double packs and Halloween variety packs also available).