Artistic swimming (formerly known as synchronized swimming) is the wild and wonderful Olympic sport that’s incredibly tough, requiring swimmers to twist, flip and kick with perfect timing. While underwater (Sometimes completely upside down underwater!) Without ever touching the bottom of the pool, they hold their breath longer than any human could possibly endure. And they must do this all while displaying “total confidence and an effortless, smooth execution without any signs of strain.” World Aquatics Referee Manual.
The competitive nature of artistic swimming cannot be overstated, but there is also no denying that the sport’s beauty, combined with its hardcore nature, captivates spectators. The roots of Hollywood’s Golden AgeBut it still has enough glamour to be especially appealing to ex-drama kids (hello!) who love a little extra camp in their sport. Namely, the France artistic swimming team began their “free routine” (round two of three) on Tuesday wearing caps shaped like human faces, making the swimmers’ heads appear to be upside down. It was dramatic, surreal and just perfect. Long live France!