All living things must be inherited. It’s one of the few certainties in life. Despite this certainty, much about death remains a mystery. Many people find the unknown scary, and participants in a recent online thread described what they fear most about death.
1. Being reminded of something embarrassing
Everyone is embarrassed, saying things like taking bad pictures. But imagine that the last thing you did in your life was something very boring. And since you are dead, there is no chance of salvation. Take care.
2. Eternal nothingness
For many people, the worst part of death is nothing at all. literally. If you are a religious person, you likely believe in heaven and reincarnation. But what happens when you have nowhere to go and no memory of who or what you are? Because you are nothing and there is nothing after death. It’s pretty scary stuff.
3. Eternal consciousness
The idea of having the same “mind” and thoughts forever without having the same physical body is difficult for me to understand.
4. Its finality
There is no escape from death. Once you leave, you can’t come back. There is no escape door on the side to return to your normal life. It is the ultimate outcome that no one can escape.
5. Family left behind
Many people participating in the discussion express concerns about whether they will be okay if their loved ones are no longer here. Parents of young children and children with disabilities say this scenario is their worst nightmare.
6. What’s next?
One of the more mysterious and frightening aspects of death is what happens next. Is there a life after death? Is it oblivion? Is there a heaven? Reincarnation? there is nothing? These questions can only be fully answered after life is over.
7. What does sudden death look like?
People with terminal illnesses often know that death is imminent. Still, the sudden and random occurrence of an unexpected death can be quite disturbing to those who are not in that situation. Several commenters pointed out how creepy it is to go about your daily life and then suddenly disappear without any rhyme or reason.
8. A lonely experience
No matter how many people are by your side during your final moments, the physical process of death is a lonely one. Only you experience what it feels like to die.
9. A painful death
As many contributors to this discussion have written, death and dying are not necessarily something they fear, but what frightens them is that their death will be slow, painful, and torturous. The idea is that there is. What they prefer is a quick and painless death.
10. Abandoned Pet
People who consider themselves pet parents dread the day their pet child crosses the rainbow bridge. Just as unbearable, if not more so, is wondering what happens to our beloved furry, feathered, and scaly relatives after we die.
11. It Happens Too Late
Living is one thing. Being alive is one thing when the quality of life is drastically reduced. It raises the natural question of whether it is worth clinging to a life that is primarily fraught with pain, suffering and humiliation.
12. Lack of control
Although we can control certain things in life, there are some things that are beyond our control, such as death and what happens afterward. This can be a frightening prospect, especially for those who need to know what’s going on.
13. There is no legacy to speak of.
A fear acknowledged by several forum respondents is that they will die without having accomplished anything that would be considered noteworthy or exceptional, and be forgotten soon after their death. It is essential for them to leave a legacy and be remembered for something positive.
14. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
We are missing out on future technological and scientific advances. Humanity is in the midst of so many discoveries. Someone says it’s sad to think about all the things that will be invented and happen after we die.
15. Fear of a loved one dying
For some people, losing a loved one is more painful than thinking about their death. It’s scary to imagine your life without the most important person in your life. You just want to see them go away peacefully, but you want to be selfish and keep them around forever.
16. You won’t regret it
Another admits that he has no fear about death because he has already lived a full life. They have watched their children be born and watched their favorite sports teams win championships. They accomplish much of what they set out to do and are quite satisfied with their lives and their results.
17. People are forgetting you
There is a fear of who will continue to tell our stories when our time ends and the people we all loved are gone. We live a fulfilling life, but it’s scary that in the future the world will forget who we are.
sauce: reddit.
Freelance and technical writers
- Areas of expertise: Technology, user experience, pop culture, and entertainment.
- Education: West Chester University of Pennsylvania and Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Her articles have appeared in publications such as Wealth of Geeks, MSN (US), MSN Ireland, Flipboard, The Facts, The Cents of Money, A Dime Saved, The Times (Frankfort), Invested Wallet, Chronicle-Tribune, and Mama of Five. It is published in the article. Her blog, Lafourche Gazette, The Herald-Press, Kinda Frugal, Peru Tribune, and Financially Well Off. Stephanie began her writing career when Allen taught her writing and technical writing courses in college. She began working as a contract technical writer specializing in information technology. Her love of writing about various subjects led her to her Wealth of Geeks.