Decades ago, there were a lot of shows that made people not even blink an eye. If they tried to make such a show right now, actors left and right would be “canceled.” Can you think of a show that never got past the writers, even if it was full of offensive jokes and dialogue, or referenced material that many would find unacceptable? These 15 from the early 2000s ‘s show was called out for a pop culture chat discussing the series that is unacceptable today.
1. Hot Chick
The person who started this thread brought up: hot chick, they recently watched. They realized that teen movies around this time almost always contained themes that would be unacceptable today, especially fatphobia and homophobia. They said the film was a perfect example, given that Rob Schneider spends most of the film “trying not to be gay” and telling offensive, fat-shaming jokes. Ta.
2. Shallow hull
I always found it Shallow Hull It’s an offensive movie, even though it tried to “prove a point” about how men view women. One movie fan added some insight, saying that the problematic behavior of characters in movies like this one is intentional to “suggest a villain.” For example, things go awry when Hal listens to Jason Alexander’s character and shows him that there is a problem with his way of thinking.
3. Never been kissed
The argument was that it was a movie that couldn’t be made today, and many people seemed to feel this way. I’ve never been kissed I was also uncomfortable when I came out. One moviegoer said the central romance went from “sweet (teenage) to oh, that’s creepy, sir.”
4. Eurotrip
The film’s music is still loved by people today, but it received a lot of criticism for its vulgar content. One person said, “I would put money into most movies that aren’t currently being made.”Another said: “I don’t think so.” euro trip There were some scenes that involved making fun of people with disabilities and assaulting them, but they crossed the line.
5. American Pie
I understand the gist of american pie The film had to be radical and full of provocative subject matter. However, there are a lot of problematic scenes that people criticize. Scenes in which characters find themselves in non-consensual situations are hilariously depicted and are deeply problematic.
6. There’s something about Mary
When I first saw this movie, I was too young to understand the subject matter. I watched it recently and I agree with many people that the plot lines and jokes wouldn’t work today.
7. 40 days and 40 nights
I saw this movie many years ago, but it was a time when there were a lot of vulgar movies, and I remember having doubts about it even when it was released. Several people pointed out that the assault was completely unnecessary and was taken into account in an unacceptable way.
8. Drop Dead Gorgeous
One person said he recently saw the film for the first time and realized he couldn’t make it the same way now. They added that the side plots “specialize in highly damaging depictions of neurodivergence, with character traits exploited for humor in extremely degrading and offensive ways.” Another viewer said the extreme eating disorder played for laughs was disgusting.
9. Tropic Thunder
Although everyone agrees that tropic thunder ” is a smart, memorable, and hilarious movie, but many also say that the movie was “a little over the top” and had some uncomfortable themes. One person said they didn’t feel any outrage about blackface in movies at the time, but that definitely wouldn’t hold up now.
10. White chick
white chick ‘ was listed as one of the top movies that cannot and will not be made today because its content was so offensive. I still enjoy this movie for nostalgia purposes, but I have to agree that it was very problematic and cannot be remade now.
11. Office
office is a program that is loved by many people, including myself. However, I’d be lying if I said there weren’t many dirty jokes or disgusting scenes. Steve Carell himself has stated that the show would not work in modern times due to the different climate. If that doesn’t tell you something, I don’t know what it will.
12. Sex and the City
This is not the first time I have seen or written people’s opinions. SATC I’m old. People had a lot to say about the original series, as the remake is now available on MAX. One fan, watching the film for the first time, said he was surprised by the level of racism and homophobia, as well as the insufferability of Carrey’s character.
13. House MD
Medical dramas are always complicated to accurately critique, especially for those who have never worked in the medical industry. Most of the comments were about how doctors talk about their patients, but they’re not entirely inaccurate. People said the show was like watching a “horror movie glorifying endless medical malpractice.”
14. Ugly Betty
One person said that after rewatching the show, they were shocked at how many racist, homophobic, and fat-shaming jokes there were.I rewatched it recently ugly betty I myself found this to be an accurate assessment of some of the comments and jokes in the show.
15. Scrub
Many commenters mentioned love scrub, especially since it showed what life is like for a doctor who just graduated from medical school. However, some pointed out that the humor was too offensive and edgy to make the show work today.
sauce: reddit.