Anyone who knows me knows that I love conspiracy theories because of the sheer creativity, hard work, and brainpower of the people who create them. But some conspiracies break conspiracy laws and end up in a stupid vacuum that makes you think, “Hey, guys.” actually do you believe that? “
People in online communities tell us how many times they’ve encountered conspiracies that could lower their IQ by about a billion points. Intrigued? Read on to find out more.
1. There is no such thing as primary colors and secondary colors.
Throw away what you learned in school, people. Haven’t you always thought there was something fishy about the obsession with color separations? Because it certainly sounds like a racist agenda to us. The story is as follows. At the nursery school where I teach, I encountered parents who were taken aback by the mention of primary and secondary colors.
2. Rats were the cause of the Great Fire of London.
For those who have forgotten or don’t know, the Great Fire of London was a devastating fire that spread across London and destroyed the city. Some people remember that story. However, only a few people know the real cause. bakery? Hehe. boring. Some people think, wait, a spontaneously combustible rat might have been behind it. Yes, we know what you did, Remy.
3. Secret gold mine
Most people can only dream of finding a decent pile of gold. Imagine discovering that there is more gold under your apartment than you ever imagined. The contributor said that a former neighbor was convinced that there was money under the apartment building and that the landlord had become unjustly rich without sharing anything with the tenants.
4. Hurricanes target Florida
It’s always one or the other when it comes to Florida, right? Some say this hurricane hitting Florida isn’t as random as meteorologists would have us believe. They believe someone is actively targeting Florida. Because why else do we have so many hurricanes?
In fact, if you Google the meaning of hurricane, the first usage example is “A powerful hurricane hit the Florida coast.” Coincidence? We think otherwise. We’ve always known that hurricanes have a mind of their own behind the whirlpool.
5. Phantom Time Conspiracy Theory
The paper, briefly explained by the contributors, theorizes that the years 614 to 911 AD were fabricated and never existed. When the Gregorian calendar was introduced to replace the Julian calendar, his 10th days were edited instead of the 13th, resulting in the cumulative totals for those years being lost, or in this case falsified.
6. The ISS does not exist
First of all, the International Space Station sounds like a fictional thing, right? This is a conspiracy. ISS does not exist and all evidence is falsified so the government can launder money. This conspiracy is more easily accepted, despite knowing when and where it is possible to see it with the naked eye and photograph it.
7. Disneyland is on stolen land
There’s a story here that’s more interesting than anything Disney has ever created. One person told the story of a woman they met on the bus who believed her family owned the Disney property. The family reportedly had no intention of selling, but Disney forced them off the land. If this is true, the Bath woman would be the only surviving family member who could sue the rats over the land.
8. Freezing theory

Have you ever heard of the Frozen Theory? After Walt Disney died, there were rumors that his body was frozen in order to be resurrected someday.they made a movie frozen To hide this rumor, a Google search for “Walt Disney Frozen” brought up the movie instead, but not before Disney’s dark plans may have been revealed.
9. Australia doesn’t exist
please think about it. How many real Australians do you know? See? The truth is that Australia doesn’t exist, but what happens? Even airline pilots are caught up in the “scam”. Apparently, booking a flight to Australia means booking a flight to an unknown destination. They take you somewhere i Really I want to go to Australia.
10. The Scorpions were CIA operatives
Never trust a band formed by a guitarist named Rudolph. Scorpions is a German band known for their hard rock and heavy metal styles. Interestingly, one commenter said there was a podcast investigating whether the band was actually made up of CIA operatives. A CIA operative disguised as a rock star in tight pants? Now, that’s something you don’t see every day.
11. Secret City Conspiracy

According to this report, a secret city for the world’s elite is located beneath the Denver Airport. Have you ever wondered if the elites live in a world of their own and just spend a certain amount of time with us so that we don’t get suspicious? Elon Musk is Mars What else do you think you do about it? Of course!
12. The Queen was the head of the New World Order.
Another person described it as the best thing they had ever heard. Everyone has their own theory about the late Queen and Princess Diana, but this is the first I’ve heard. As the Queen’s head of the “New World Order,” she was telling Princess Diana that this was what she had to do. She was assassinated because she was the last blood relative of Christ. No comments; let’s hear your story.
13. JFK Jr. is back
Yes, he will. And the first thing he will do when he returns will be to restore Donald Trump to his “rightful place” in the White House. Many people believe this because they believe that Donald Trump is America’s savior.
14. The Holocaust never happened
This conspiracy is irritating many people. Unless it were true that the whole world is a stage and we are all performers, who would invent something so gruesome for fun?
15. A female cast member of Friends was secretly transgender.
Yes, your favorite female star of the sitcom that once captivated the entire world was transgender. why do they hide it? And in case you’re interested, Jennifer, Lisa, and Courtney are said to be clones of the characters they played. That’s a little scary.
sauce: Reddit.