The Baisa is the currency used for small purchases in Oman, while the Rupee is used in India. People convert Baisa to INR for various reasons. Baisa is not a major currency and is only available in Oman. It is just a subunit of Omani Rial.
Here we calculate 100 Omani Baisa as Indian Rupee.
100 Omani Baisa = 21.6326 Indian Rupee
1 Omani Baisa = 0.2163 Indian Rupee
1 Indian Rupee = 4.6226 Omani Baisa
Baisa to Indian Rupee(INR) Converter
The subunit of the Omani currency is the Omani Baisa. 1 Omani Rial is equivalent to 1000 Baisa. There are only a few currencies around the world that are subdivided into sub-units, one of which is the Omani Rial.
To use the Omani Baisa to INR converter, you need to enter the amount of money that you want to convert from Baisa to INR.
Omani Baisa to Indian Rupee Conversion Table
current rate | 21.6450 INR |
bid price | 21.6458 INR |
ask for price | 21.6447 INR |
Open price | 21.6103 INR |
Baisa | INR |
Five | 1.0826 |
Ten | 2.1652 |
twenty five | 5.4130 |
50 | 10.8261 |
100 | 21.6522 |
200 | 43.3044 |
500 | 108.2609 |
1000 | 216.5218 |
10000 | 2,165.2175 |
What is Oman Baisa?
The smallest unit of the Omani rial is the baisa. Rial is Oman’s official currency. The Baisa is equivalent to 1/1000th of the Omani Rial and its value is very low. Due to their low value, they are only used for small transactions such as taxi fares and groceries. The Omani Rial is a stable currency with a fixed UDS rate. You can exchange 100 Omani Baisa to Indian Rupee at various banks and exchange centers in Oman and India.
How can I exchange Omani 100 Baisa to Indian Rupee?
100 Omani Baisa = 21.64 INR
1 Omani Baisa = 0.22 INR
1 INR = 4.62 Omani Baisa
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Omani Baisa to Indian Rupee Exchange Rate
- Actual exchange rate of 100 Omani Baisa Indian Rupee is 1.00000 Omani Rial = 212.18900 INR.
- Mid-market exchange rate = 08:02 UTC
The exchange rate for 100 Omani Baisa Indian Rupee can change every minute.
- 100 Omani Baisa = 21.2091 INR
- 100 Omani Rial = 21,209.1308 INR
- 1 Omani Rial = 212.0913 INR
- 1 Indian Rupee = 0.0047 Omani Rial
- Baisa is a subunit of the Omni Riyal, and 1 Baisa is equivalent to 1/1000 of an Omani Rial.
100 Baisa to INR – FAQ
Is it possible to exchange Baisa outside Oman?
answer. Baisa is only exchanged in Oman. Therefore, you will need to exchange Omani currency during your trip.
Are there different sects in Baisa?
answer. Baisa is only used as a subunit and is not available in banknote form. However, Baisacoin is available.
What can you buy with 1 Baisa in Oman?
answer. Baisa is a subunit and has a low value, so it is only used for small purchases such as public transport fares, local shops, and street vendors.
How stable is the Omani currency?
answer. Oman’s currency (rial) is one of the most stable currencies in the world and has remained stable for decades. The country has strict monetary laws and fiscal policies to ensure stability.
How much is 100 baisa in Indian Rupees?
answer. 100 Baisa is 21 Rupees 20 Paise in Indian Rupee.